PARSCALE for Windows analyzes and scores rating-scale data.
Academic and non-academic licenses for IRT software products |
- SSI, Inc. offers academic and non-academic (production and commercial) licenses for its IRT software products.
- Academic licenses for BILOG-MG 3, IRTPRO 2.1, and PARSCALE 4 for Windows are available separately.
- Academic licenses apply to end users that intend to use the software exclusively for academic research and instruction.
- Academic licenses can be ordered using the online PDF order forms providing an academic email address.
- Non-academic licenses apply to end users that intend to use the software for assessment.
- Non-academic license agreements are prepared on a case to case (individual) basis. For details, see:http://www.ssicentral.com/ordering/academic.html
PARSCALE 4 by Eiji Muraki & Darrell Bock |
- The flexibility and the wealth of information provided by this program have kept it in regular use by researchers around the world
- One, two, and three-parameter logistic models
- Samejima's model for graded responses
- Master's partial credit model
- Generalized partial credit model
- Analysis of rating scale items such as open-ended essay questions
- Analysis of multiple-choice items
- Differential item functioning (DIF)
- Analysis of mixtures of item types
- Rater's-effect analysis
- Multiple-group polytomous item response models
- Presentation quality IRT graphics, can be imported in Word, Access, etc.
- Detailed online HELP documentation includes syntax and examples.